Migration to Hugo

Having some spare time around winter holidays, I got an idea to write down some stuff I figured out and would also be useful to others. For this purpose I needed to have some sort of blogging platform set up, and because I’ve always wanted to prepare such stuff manually to learn some new things, I decided to research the matter a bit. Of course there’s a bunch of things I don’t do from scratch, but my basic motivation was to not rely on an external service for hosting my content.

That was when I went over to GitLab Pages examples group on gitlab.com that features different website templates useful for hosting a website on GitLab for free. I scrolled through the repos and finally sorted them by stars, which displayed Hugo on the first place. Hugo is a static site generator and the sample website got me interested since it contained exactly what I needed; a landing page and a blog.

I dug into it and modified the template to such extent that I kept most of look and feel of my old website, which I had created from scratch, and changed the landing page which is actually my CV. At this point I think that Hugo is a nice framework with decent docs, but there are some things that bother me, which will probably be resolved as I keep getting to know the framework better.

Part of my old personal website Old jankovic.dev look

See also