Best OS for Raspberry Pi 4

You are planning to buy, or you already bought a Raspberry Pi 4, and you want to know what kind of operating system you should run on it. This post dives into the best operating system for running headless Raspberry Pi 4B. Raspberry Pi 4 and Arch Linux ARM

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[SI] T-2 IPTV vmesnik prek routerja

Želel sem postaviti topologijo, prikazano na spodnji sliki. Dobra novica: je možno, brez raznoraznih hackov in kompleksnih ročnih nastavitev. Slabe novice ni! Pi-hole & Asus router Povzetek rezultatov:

  • TV IPTV vmesnik povezan prek kabla na vaš lastni router (usmerjevalnik)
  • router hkrati podpira povezovanje naprav v domače omrežje (LAN) prek kabla in brezžičnega omrežja
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t-2  technical  si 

Installing Deluge 2 on Raspberry Pi OS

Default Raspberry Pi OS software sources contain outdated Deluge 1. If you set up a deluge daemon on your rpi, you’ll be facing issues when trying to connect to the daemon using the latest Deluge client on your PC. Raspberry Pi OS and Deluge 2

Using Deluge in Thin Client mode enables to control a remote Deluge daemon instance running on, in this case, Raspberry Pi. Client and daemon must be running the same major version, which means you can’t connect to your Deluge daemon 1.x with a Deluge client 2.x.

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Linking Namecheap to GitLab Pages - the ultimate step-by-step guide

There is a number of resources online trying to explain how to link a domain purchased on Namecheap, to free hosting provided by GitLab Pages. Every single one fails to successfully achieve its goal, so I prepared an ultimate step-by-step guide for everyone facing this issue. Namecheap also sends an email to new users that purchased a domain telling them to ask any question aimed at Namecheap CEO. While I have pointed out in that email that they lack an official documentation on connecting a domain to GitLab pages, it all looks to me like that email is just a very efficient post-sale activity. namecheap+gitlab

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Migration to Hugo

Having some spare time around winter holidays, I got an idea to write down some stuff I figured out and would also be useful to others. For this purpose I needed to have some sort of blogging platform set up, and because I’ve always wanted to prepare such stuff manually to learn some new things, I decided to research the matter a bit. Of course there’s a bunch of things I don’t do from scratch, but my basic motivation was to not rely on an external service for hosting my content.

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